Monday, July 28, 2008

Right Fucking Next to You

Sorority Girl: "It was like in the car to Boston!"
West Girl: "Yeah, when we were like 'Oh man, this song is in Rock Band!' Then we'd play the drums or have a dance party!"
Dumb Girl: "What? When was this?"
SG: "Trip to were there."
Dumb: "Was this when I was in the front seat?"
West: ", actually."

Nice. How do you miss people playing air drums or dancing in the car. Ever.

Also, not related to the interns, but I swear there's some Darwinism going on in Pennsylvania. It's like there's something in the water that makes people smart or very stupid. Like the locals at the Dark Knight midnight showing I went to.

There was one like 12 year old kid who walked in with this huge attitude. He looked like he thought the world only existed because he wished it to. So, he was bossing around his friend who was like a foot taller than him and being altogether very rude and very worth drop kicking in the face. Especially, when he said this about Dark Knight:

Idiot kid 1: "This movie better be good."

WAY TO WIN TARDBUCKET, you're seeing a midnight showing of a movie you don't even care that much or know about.

Oh, so the theater was in this town called Wilkes-Barre. Now, where I grew up (America), we learned that the double r like that would make it pronounced like "bar." But in PA, it makes it sound like "bear" or "bury." Which is dumb enough, imo, but the two kids...

Commercial in theater: "....located in downtown Wilkes-bar."
Idiot kid 2: "Did you seriously say 'Wilkes-bar'?"

Yes, because technically, if you're not from the area you're saying it right, actually.

Back to the fact that this is an opening, midnight showing:

Fan 1: "You know, I never saw the first one."
Fan 2: "I never saw the first one either."

Way. To. Fucking. Be.

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